Sermon Notes-"Blessings Realized" from Matthew 5:4-8
Introduction: #Blessed - Spend any time on social media and you will see this hashtag appear. It appears 137 Million times on Instagram (wedding, babies, relationships, vacations, new jobs). As we begin this morning, I want us to think about the pictures or events in our lives where we would use that hashtag. How many of the things you and I mention are listed in the beatitudes we are going to look at it today? · Descriptive not Prescriptive-It’s describing how things are; not what you need to become · Beatitudes not Doatitudes-Things that Jesus wants us to be in power of Spirit not our own strength · “The beginning of the Sermon on the Mount is not a to-do list; it is a good news list. Jesus is describing who has the most to gain by the arrival of His kingdom. He is not prescribing what you must do to enter it.” Skye Jethani pg. ...