
Showing posts from January, 2022

Sermon-"Known" based on Matthew 7:13-23

Introduction : Known is defined by The American Heritage Dictionary as, “Proved or understood.”  What are the following pictures on the screen known for: Kansas, Hesston, HMBC, You? Often our answers for what we are known for are based on what we do.  In today’s passage, we see what matters is WHO we know. Follow vs. 13-14 ·          Gates-There are only two choices. Can also be translated as door.   In Jesus’ day, shepherds often would serve as the gate to a fenced area during the night.   They would lay down in the opening to keep the sheep safe inside while keeping the wolves out. ·          Vs. 13-Wide-It’s easy, leads to destruction, many enter it o    Way is Easy & Many Enter It-Some translations use path. Self focused, self righteousness, many options. “Do whatever you want, whatever makes you happy, whatever is true for you” §   (John 14:6) Jesus said ...

Sermon-Money, Money, Money based on Matthew 6:19-24

Introduction : Happy New Year!  As we begin this year, I get to start the year off with a sermon that all of you are excited about when pastors preach on it.  Money.  So, I am going to play The Apprentice TV Theme Song.  “Money, Money, Money” and allow you to think about you personally view money. Treasures vs. 19-21 ·          Vs. 19-Do not lay up treasures on earth o    Lay up-store up, or save up for future use; the activity of stockpiling for reserve or later use [1] o    Treasures-accumulated wealth in the form of (money, jewels, valuables) o    Same root word-Do not treasure treasures ·          Vs. 19-Why? Moth and Rust destroy, thieves break in and steal o    Wealth in the ancient world, as often still today, regularly consisted of precious metals and cloth. Owners thus worried about attacks of moth and rust. [2] o  ...