
Showing posts from February, 2023

Sermon Notes-"Pick Me" based on Acts 6:1-15

Introduction: Today’s message is titled, “Pick Me”.   There are several examples of how we have experienced being picked in life.   My first memory of this would be on the playground picking teams for kickball.   A later example of this is when you applied for your first job.   You presented your qualifications and you hoped they would pick you over the other candidates.   A more recent phenomenon is in the area of reality shows or music competitions like American Idol or The Voice.   Contestants compete for the one spot and again are chosen based on abilities.   Our Scripture today looks at a different type of being picked today. Picked from Complaint- vs. 1-6 ·          The Problem-Vs. 1-As more and more people became disciples (followers of Jesus), it created a problem.   It was a great problem to have but it still needed to be addressed.   The Hellenists (Greek speaking Jews) complained that the...