On Sunday, June 24th, I delivered a message entitled, "Guess Who?" based on Ephesians 1:1-14. Here are some notes from that message: · Greetings-In verse 1, Paul addresses them as “saints in Ephesus”. As I read these words, I wondered if this was a special greeting for a really good church. As I studied, I discovered that Paul begins his letters to 6 out of 7 churches this same way in Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians. If Paul was writing to us today, he would begin our letter “to the saints at Hesston MB.” In Christ, you are a saint! You are: · Vs. 3-Blessed with every spiritual blessing o Spiritual blessings are contrasted with blessings of OT which were based on following the Law. These blessings are freely ours because of what Christ has done not what we have done. So, what Christ has is ours. · ...