Give Them Grace
I just finished reading the book Give Them Grace by Fitzpatrick & Thompson. It will be a challenging read for parents because it goes against much of the parenting advice you get from the world and even within Christian circles. Their premise is that our children don't need more rules, but more grace. Before you quit reading, they do not advocate for anarchy in the home. But rather want parents to think through what their discipline and parenting is speaking to their children. Do our kids think if they try harder they can be good kids? Or do we point them to the message of what Jesus has done and how they need him rather than trying harder? As I read the book, I was stretched and realized how recent conversations with my kids had actually focused more on the law than on grace. They write, "Grace trains us to rest in what Christ has done for us and to live lives of godly gratitude." In other words, once we realize what Jesus has don...