I need the gospel everyday
This post originally appeared at 1 Corinthians 13 Parenting on February 25, 2016. How do you define the word gospel? For some, it is what is shared at the end of a pastor’s sermon. Others understand it as a philosophy such as the gospel according to J.L. It can also be used as an adjective such as gospel music or gospel revival. Or it can be what starts the Christian life or how we live? We need to be clear on what the gospel is. The Greek word for gospel is literally “good news.” Is what is being shared in our churches, on social media, or around the world good news? Why is this important and how does it apply to you as an individual, spouse, or parent/grandparent? We can be perpetuating beliefs based on a faulty understanding of the gospel that can hinder or damage our relationships with friends, family, church, work and around the world. For now, let me share my thoughts on the gospel. It is all about Jesus and not about us. The gospel is good news for beli...