Sunday Sermon: 2014-Best Year Yet

Opening Illustration-What is your New Year’s Resolution?  According to Time Magazine the Top 10 Commonly Broken New Year's Resolutions

As we begin 2014, I want 2014 to be your best year yet.  One of the ways we do this is by being aware of the world around us.  This begins by recognizing the spiritual battle we are in.  2 Corinthians 2:11 says, “in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.”

Background- The Christian should not be morbidly occupied with the subject of demonism; neither should he live in fear of demons.(Believer's Bible Commentary pg. 1952)

(1) Satan is real. 
(2) Satan is defeated (Colossians 2:14-15) 
(3) Satan lies (John 8:44) & accuses (Revelation 12:10-11)

Read Ephesians 6:10-18

(Vs. 10-13) Posture
  • Vs. 10-Be Strong. How?  In the Lord and in his power.
  • Vs. 11-Put on the armor so that you can stand against devil’s schemes
    • 4 times in NIV in verses 11-14
    • Greek Word has meaning of stand firm, stay put, stand immovable, uphold, sustain the authority, stand ready/prepared, does not waiver
    • “Facing the Giants”-build me a wall
  • Vs. 12-Our struggle-not flesh and blood but against:
    • Rulers-arche-(angels, demons)  Romans 8:38-principalities, rulers-Colossians 1:16; 2:15
    • Authorities-exousia-power of rule or government, Colossians 2:15
    • Powers of Dark World-kosmokrator-lord of the world, prince of this age
    • Spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms-poneria-depravity, iniquity, wickedness, evil purposes and desires
      • perhaps they refer to spirit-rulers with differing degrees of authority, such as presidents, governors, mayors, and alderman, on the human scale. (Believer’s Bible Commentary pg. 1952)
      • They are intended to be shorthand for the myriad of powers, great and small, personal and impersonal, individual and systemic, that resist the saving activity of God among humanity. (Ephesians by Neufeld pg 296)
      • Describe the different strata and rankings of those demons and the evil supernatural empire in which they operate. Satan’s forces of darkness are highly structured for the most destructive purposes. (MacArthur Bible Commentary pg. 1705)
    • Vs. 13-Therefore-because of this battle, we must put on full armor when, not if, evil comes.  But the good news is we will still be standing.

(Vs. 14-17) Put On
  • We are told to put on the armor in vs. 11, 13, and with each specific piece
    • What is name of each piece and its purpose?
      • Belt-holds the rest of armor together, center of Body; Truth is central, what the Bible says, John 8:32
      • Breastplate-guards the heart; Righteousness-know in our hearts we are made right with God thru Jesus, 2 Corinthians 5:21
      • Shoes-on to go, take gospel (good news) of Jesus; Peace-the way that leads to peace (salvation) Isaiah 9:6b
      • Shield-protect against arrows of Satan, Faith-belief or trust in Jesus, Hebrews 11:1
      • Helmet-protects head, mind; salvation-Matthew 18:11-know saved-what are we saved from?-sin, death, wrath, Satan, sickness, etc. what Jesus accomplished on the cross is much bigger than we can imagine
      • Sword-battle with the Word (spoken-rhema) of God-Jesus’example “It is written. . .
    • Daily-for yourself, family, friends, leaders, etc.
    • Full-panoplia-complete

(Vs. 18) Prayer
  • And-often we end our discussion of the battle without focusing on another offensive weapon we have available: prayer
  • All occasions & all kinds
  • Be alert-we know Satan’s tactics-don’t become lazy
    • personally-be ready following a time of spiritual growth, before something new led by God, before/during/after transition
  • Always keep praying for all the saints- we need the church.  When I am in the middle of the battle, I need you to pray for me.  When you are in the middle of battle, I need to pray for you.

Closing: Pray armor of God over the congregation as they stand


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