Below are notes from my sermon today at Hesston MB based on John 10:11-21: Background- In the English language , black sheep is an idiom used to describe an odd or disreputable member of a group, especially within a family . The term stems from the genetic effect in sheep whereby a recessive gene occasionally manifests in the birth of a sheep with black rather than white coloring; these sheep stand out in the flock. The term has typically been given negative implications, implying waywardness (Wikipedia) Have you ever felt like the black sheep? John 10:10-Satan’s Purpose-Steal, Kill, Destroy, God’s Purpose-Abundant Life. I AM-previous sermon- Jesus responds with His identity as fully God, I AM-- I Am Statements in John: Bread of Life, Light, Gate, Shepherd, Resurrection & Life, Way/Truth/Life, Vine A shepherd’s purpose is to protect, provide, guide. Throughout the Bible, God’s people are compared to sheep). [1] ...