Union with Christ

I am continuing to read Walter Marshall's The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification. There are so many good quotes, but I will try and share only a handful today.

The key to living a holy life is union with Christ. Now, we have to acknowledge that union with Christ is a great mystery.
In order to keep the law of God, your soul must be empowered out of the fullness of Christ. The power to live a holy life is something that is produced in you by Christ, and treasured up for you in him.
Union with Christ is not a privilege you earn by your sincere obedience, or by your own attempts at holiness. Your union with Christ is not a reward of your own good works. Rather, union with Christ is a privilege that God gives to every Christian when they first become a Christian!
The Holy Spirit brings about your sanctification.
Contrary to popular belief, this marvelous assurance of forgiveness and everlasting life will not motivate you to ungodly living.
Any holy attitude you have, or any holy action you take, comes only through the mighty power of Christ's Spirit. 


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