Tweets and more tweets

Here are some of my favorite tweets from the last few weeks.  This is one of the blessings of social media where we can hear the gospel from people all over the world. If you like the tweet, go and follow the person on Twitter. 

We aren't defined by what we do for a living or with our day. We are defined by what Christ has done for us. @TheJesslou
 The Gospel is karma's worst nightmare: we get the exact opposite of what we deserve. @birdchadlouis
God loves you NOT to the degree that you are LIKE Christ, but to the degree that you are IN Christ. And that's 100% - Rankin Wilbourne via @scottsauls
Grace is a pool where elephants can swim and children can play. Grace isn't just a doctrine; it's a 24–7 context for living. @DrSteveWBrown
the point of scripture isn't to instill more confidence in ourselves, but to strengthen our confidence in Christ & His finished work for us @RelevantChris
My preaching aim? To exalt Christ so much & hold out his grace so mighty that people walk out feeling they may fall over from so much love. @jaredcwilson


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