Tweets and more tweets

Here are some of my favorite tweets from the last few weeks.  This is one of the blessings of social media where we can hear the gospel from people all over the world. If you like the tweet, go and follow the person on Twitter.
I’m thankful that God always behaves from His identity, even though I don’t always behave from mine. @JeremyG220
Unfortunately in the church today, we get our doctrine from the Scriptures but our methodology from the world around us. We trust the supernatural for one but not the other. @WhiteHorseInn
Legalism is a soul enslaver, joy taker, friendship killer, and church divider. @gospeldriven
The gospel saves and brings God's rule into our lives (his kingdom) in order to bring the good news of his power into the world. The gospel changes us from the inside out and spreads through our lives and lips to the world by his Spirit. @JeffVanderstelt


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