Tweets and more tweets

Here are some of my favorite tweets from the last few weeks.  This is one of the blessings of social media where we can hear the gospel from people all over the world. If you like the tweet, go and follow the person on Twitter.
Paul was dedicated to Jesus, who called him to do the work of sharing the gospel. #thegospelprojectkids
Christian, don't look to your behaviour, your feelings or your faithfulness. Jesus Christ is your righteousness. He is your status and your standing before God. Always there, always reliable, always the same. @mike_reeves
Hallelujah! The gospel frees us from scorecards, measuring sticks, and annual reviews. Our standing in grace is inviolate, our rootedness in your love is deep, and hiddenness in Christ is complete. @ScottyWardSmith
Through the gospel, we’re motivated not by guilt but by gratitude. @JeremyTreat5
The older I get, the more I realize that my most important work is abiding, not doing. @DashHouse 


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