A Sabbatical Message based on Psalm 23 & Matthew 11

Introduction: Sabbatical as defined by The American Heritage Dictionary-“A leave of absence usually granted every 7th year for travel, research and rest.” Today is my last Sunday at HMBC for the next 3 months as I begin my sabbatical next Sunday.  I want to begin by saying “thank you” to Hesston MB for understanding the importance of sabbatical for its pastors.  This policy has been in effect for many years and not all churches offer this to their pastoral staff so I want to start by saying thanks to you. I greatly appreciate the opportunity. 

What will I be doing?  My focus for this sabbatical is going to be prayer so I will be going to a few 24 hour of prayer locations in Dallas and in Kansas City. I will be taking an online class on leading prayer ministry in the church in addition to visiting with some other church leaders about prayer ministry in their churches.  This will also include a time of rest for me which will include some time at a beach (or two) as well as an extended vacation with my family.  I’m also planning some day trips with each of my kids for some one-on-one time. You can follow along with updates and pictures on my blog which is at the top of your notes page.

So, as I was preparing to preach and asking God what to share today, I was led to focus on the same themes of my sabbatical that God has for us as His people-Rest & Restoration.  So we will be looking at these two points from Psalm 23 and Matthew 11.

Rest-(Psalm 23:1-2) & (Matthew 11:28)

·         Vs. 1-The Lord is my shepherd

o   We must start with this truth.  We are not ultimately in charge.  God is.  So, we can rest knowing that we have a good shepherd that loves us, cares for us, protects, refreshes and leads us.

§   “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” (John 10:11)

·         Vs. 2-He makes me lie down

o   Notice that he makes us.  We as humans, especially as Americans, do not rest well.  There is always something else to do.  We are way too busy.  So, he makes us. 

o   Notice the picture of green pastures.  Picture that.

·         Vs. 2-He leads me beside still waters

o   In addition to lying down, He leads us.

§  Are you letting God lead you?  Or as Pastor Brad preached on a few weeks ago, do you have something or someone else on the throne other than Jesus?

§  He leads by his word, by his Spirit,[1]

§  Notice the picture of still waters.

·         Vs. 28-Come to me and I will give you rest

o   Again we are told we can find rest if we come to Him.  How often do I try to find rest on my own without surrendering and submitting to Jesus who knows what I need?

o   Why can’t we rest? Because we are trying to be god in situations.

·         Steve Cuss-Southern District Pastor’s Retreat-A simple prayer: Jesus died so I don’t have to ____________ anymore. Steve's website is SC (stevecusswords.com)

Restoration-(Psalm 23:3) & (Matthew 11:29-30)

·         Vs. 3-He restores my soul

o   He restores me when I wander.[2] ; when they are diseased or weak to nurse and support them[3]

o   What does it mean that he restores my soul?  I have understood this to mean something in the future.  But if our soul is our mind, will and emotions, then what does it mean that he wants to restore those things?

§  Mind-God, help me to think your thoughts.

§  Will-God, help me to surrender to what you want

§  Emotions-God, restore my emotions (anger, disappointment, frustration, anxiety, fear, discouragement)

·         Vs. 3-He leads me in paths of righteousness

o   How is this restoration?  Taking my path or what I want or what the world wants vs. following his path which leads to Jesus because He is our righteousness.  His path leads to life and peace. Our righteousness is either Jesus’ righteousness or self-righteousness.

o   Question from Steve Cuss: Am I on a path to life or death?

§  Does what I’m hearing sound like condemnation or conviction? Does the voice sound like good news or bad news?

·         Vs. 29-30-you will find rest for your souls

o   Trying to carry things we were not meant to carry

·         As we seek to rest and be restored, this Scripture from 1 John 3:19-20 reminds us that it all comes by Jesus. “By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; 20 for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything.”

[3] Calvin, J., & Anderson, J. (2010). Commentary on the Book of Psalms (Vol. 1, p. 393). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.


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