#USMB-Derk Madden on Change

This is the third post from the LEAD ONE event held at First MB in Wichita, KS.  Derk Madden's topic was "Leading Change in the Congregational Church Model.  Derk shared about his experience navigating change within his church. 

  • Process Change
    • Is it really necessary?
    • Would it be easier to just add something new?
    • Is the timing right within the body?
    • Do other key leaders agree?
    • How much impact will the change have?
    • Do you have the resources to allow the initiative to succeed?
  • Ripple Model of Implementing Change
    • First Circle-Strategic Planning Team
      • Gather together the best possible team of three or more people to assess the situation and create a clear new desired goal, why the change is necessary using metrics if possible, and how it would be implemented. Understand how new change will be implemented in old system. Discover and put it into the framework of biblical mandate or perspective.
    • Second Circle-Staff
      • Communicate and get feedback from staff about plan. Achiever their verbal buy in. No is is allowed not to contribute or state their position.  You cannot be silent.
    • Third Circle-Lay Leadership Team
      • Present the plan for input and buy in to your lay leadership team with members of staff and core team present. Cast vision of why change is necessary and how this will increase ministry.
    • Fourth Circle-Power Brokers
      • Make appointments with each power broker or known naysayer one on one. Go with at least one other supportive leader and present plan and vision and ask for their input or questions. If any issues are viable and can be addressed, include their input. Try and achieve their buy in but if not possible, thoroughly understand the reasons for their disagreement. Ask for their support despite disagreement.
    • Fifth Circle-Congregation Informational Meeting
      • Announce three weeks in advance
      • Keys to Holding An Effective Meeting
        • Meeting should be based on mutual submission and accountable to Word of God. If objection occurs, it needs to be based on Bible?
        1. Start with vision based on biblical mandate or perspective
        2. Present plan and explain the process that you have gone through leading up to this point.
        3. Leaders must be positive and upbeat. Keep meetings positive. Don't ever show frustration or anger amidst opposing views. 
        4. Know the answers already to the issues of objection that you have already heard or suspected.
        5. Control the meeting so one person cannot bring up past issues, or dominate the meeting in a negative tone. Politely and gracefully intercede after opinion is expressed.
        6. Coach your leader team to be active in defending or positively verbally supporting the initiative during the meeting, especially after a naysayer has spoken.
        7. Don't allow anything to get personal or uncomfortable.  Stop meeting and lead prayer.
        8. End meeting with vision casting and prayer.
        9. Monitor the duration of the meeting. If meeting goes beyond two hours it will be hard to keep things upbeat and productive. End after 2 hours and schedule another meeting.
      • Continue to process individually with those in disagreement between meetings.
      • Preach 3 week message series concerning biblical mandate or perspective surrounding the issue to be voted on. 
    • Sixth Circle-The Vote
      • Announce vote in adherence to By-Laws
      • Understand what percentage your By-Laws require to pass initiative. Campaign aggressively to get everyone to vote. Low vote turnout will allow the minority to kill an initiative.
      • Make it easy for people to vote during that morning.
      • Make sure you have system in place to allow absentee voting.
  • Post Vote
    • Communicate results of vote immediately to the congregation through email or letter as well as verbally Sunday morning.
    • Keep naysayers close to you in relationship. Hold them accountable for negative or undermining gossip. Know that it is ok to move forward with 75% in favor.
    • Initiate change effectively and as promoted.
    • Reward those who are working toward and supporting the goal.
    • Continue to cast vision!
    • Celebrate successes of change early and often personally and corporately.


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