As I mentioned yesterday, I finished Becoming Who You Are by Dutch Sheets. One statement has caused me to reflect a lot on how we teach and disciple. The statement was: "Because all truth comes to you in seed form." I started to think about how we expect our children or other believers to hear a truth and then immediately see the fruit of it in their lives. I realized this did not happen in my life. Yet I can expect it in others and can become impatient when it does not. This pointed me to the parable of the soils found in Matthew 13, Mark 4 and Luke 8. Sheets goes on to explain what he means by this quote: "It became what I call the "seed principle." The concept of a seed indicates a process of growth until fruition. Suddenly I knew I couldn't expect freedom while short-circuiting the process. In the same way, you can't presume to gain freedom in problem areas of your life if you haven't abided in God's logos regarding those area...