Hidden in Christ for your day

As I mentioned yesterday, I just started reading through Hidden in Christ by James Bryan Smith.  I am only in Chapter 1, but I can already tell that I am going to like the features at the end of each chapter.  Smith includes four great helps at the end of each chapter to allow you to reflectively think through the chapter.  They are: Living Into the Truth, Affirmation, Prayer, and Reflection Questions.  For your reading pleasure, I have included below the affirmation and prayer from Chapter 1.

Jesus rose from the grave. There is nothing I cannot rise from. Even death cannot hold me down. Nothing can separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Gracious Abba, thank you for sending you Son, Jesus, to die and to rise, to defeat sin and death and all that plagues humanity. His resurrection not only proves your victory but gives me new life, salvation, and hope. Thank you.

I would encourage you to stop by Faith and Life Bookstore in Newton or your local Christian bookstore to pick up the book.


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