Go Deeper Hour Books

I love to teach!  One of the things I missed most during the last 3 months while I was preaching was teaching an adult class during Go Deeper Hour (Sunday School).  I believe every person needs an opportunity to not just listen to a preacher or teacher, but to also process what they are learning in their head, heart, and hands.  This is why I am a firm believer in Sunday School and small groups.  Both of these provide people the opportunity to ask questions as well as process what they are hearing and thinking.

SO, let me encourage every person--child, youth and adult to join a Go Deeper Hour Class if you attend Hesston MB.  But also want to encourage you no matter where you go to church, find a Sunday School class or Small group to join and participate in.  If you don't like the one you attend, try another class.  Don't just give up!   It is important for you.

For the next year, the class I lead will be going through 2 books together as well as some topical discussions along the way.  Below you will find the two books we will be discussing.  Gospel Fluency will be provided free of charge-thanks to Multiply who gave them to churches at recent MB Conference in Salt Lake City.  I look forward to a great year together!


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