Names of God: El Moshaah

We often forget.  We see throughout history the Israelites and the church forgetting. We need to be reminded often of who God is in Scripture, church history and in our lives and churches.

The names of God are important because these names are not just what God does, it is who He is.  I hope this will encourage you as you are reminded of how good, great, and awesome our God is.

El Moshaah

El means God and Moshaah means saves. He is the God who saves!
Our God is a God of salvation,
    and to God, the Lord, belong deliverances from death. (Psalm 68:20)

What it reminds me?  In this passage, it was a reminder how he would save the people from their enemies.  God rescues His people from trouble throughout the Bible.  The ultimate salvation occurred through Jesus saving us from sin through His death on the cross as well as defeating sin, death, Satan, and sickness.  I am thankful for a God who rescues and saves.


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