The Apprentice Gathering-Lauren Winner

Cardigan Sweater, Magnolia Tree, Brioche: The Overlooked Paths to Christ Scripture Offers

My imagination of who God is was very limited.
What do the Scriptures say about this?

We bring an archival knowledge of God.
Jesus used the ordinary to help us know who God is.

Metaphors for God in the Scriptures
  • God as a tailor-Genesis 3
    • People make clothes for those they love.  The clothing for Adam and Eve was an offering of love.
    • Picture of God’s provision for us.  The expectation that we will grow (hems let out)
  • Sensory Perception Details
    • Both literally and metaphorically
    • Smell-perceiving and omitting odor
      • Soothing odor in OT (incense sacrifice)
      • In Revelation, prayer of the saints are incense rising to God in golden bowls
  • Shepherd
    • Image we talk about often in the church, but we don’t have a personal experience with shepherding
    • Picture that was handout out-What was a young girl doing as a shepherd?
    • Exodus 2-young women shepherding
    • Jesus as good Shepherd (strong, but also vulnerable, risky)


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