It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It's the most wonderful time of the year . . . to start family devotions in your home.

As many people are flooding the stores today on the "official" start of Christmas, I was reminded how easy it is to pass on faith at home during Christmas. There are many resources available to talk about spiritual things during the coming weeks. I thought I would share a few ideas for you and your family.

One resource we have used over the past several years that the kids really enjoy are called Adornaments by Family Life. Unfortunately, this resource is no longer published, but you might be able to find a new or used one on amazon or ebay. They are ornaments that talk about 12 characteristics of Jesus. They are simple to use. Grab the ornament, open it up and read the devotion. They are worth the cost as you talk about the reason for the season.

Another resource that Bethany bought that we are going to use this year is a book called The Adventure of Christmas by Lisa Whelchel. Yes, that's right-Blair from Facts of Life. She is a strong Christian and has written several great books for moms and women. This book looks at holiday traditions (Christmas tree, tree and outdoor lights, candy cane, star, candles, caroling, gifts, etc.) and share a brief devotion followed by a couple of activities and some questions to ask your kids. I look forward to using this resource this year.

Another resource that I have not personally used, but replaced the Adornaments is What God Wants for Christmas. It includes interactive devotions based on the nativity. It is available at local Christian stores. I might purchase this one during the after Christmas sales this year.

Not wanting to spend any money? You are not off the hook. There are so many free resources available as well. Watch your mailbox for devotions from your denomination, college, etc. and use these and make them applicable to your kids (if written for adults).

Another easy way to talk about spiritual things is to take your nativity and pick one of the pieces and talk about Christmas from that perspective. For example, the wise men. Read the story about the wise men in the Bible and talk about how this baby Jesus affected their life and how it changed them. Or Mary? What did she sacrifice? How was she joyful? How was she a servant? Let your kids act out that part of the story. Or have them draw a picture of that scene? Or maybe let them dance or make up a song about that character and their viewpoint? Sing Christmas carols together.

I hope these ideas are helpful and that you will consider starting or continuing talking about faith in your home. This is a great time to start as there are tons of resources. Once Christmas ends, my prayer is that these discussions will continue in your home. For resources after Christmas ends, give me a call or send me an email and I can share some other resources for the rest of the year. Who knows? Maybe I will write another post about resources after Christmas!

Enjoy your family and remember to focus on Jesus, the reason for Christmas. Don't get sucked into the consumerism or busyness that you miss celebrating and focusing on Jesus!


  1. Christmas is the wonderful time of year. Christmas is the gentlest, loveliest festival of the revolving year — and yet, for all that, when it speaks, its voice has strong authority. Your blog looks perfect.


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