Favorite Quotes from Here We Still Stand 2018

I had the privilege to attend the Here We Still Stand Conference October 17-20 in beautiful San Diego, California.  You can see notes from most of the speakers in previous posts.  Today, I wanted to share a favorite quote from each of the speakers that I heard.  Enjoy!

Christ takes all of the evil, death, and sin on the cross and gives us His righteousness. What must I do to be saved?  LOOK, BEHOLD-40 Minutes in the Old Testament discussing Numbers 21
God doesn’t shame doubters but gives them reason to believe. Jesus welcomes doubters.  Front Porch with the Fitz's
Christ is not a second Moses. The goal of the Law is to kill you. The goal of Christ is to raise you from the dead, forgive you. Daniel Emery Price
The most popular sermon in the church today is “Just Do It” or “Try Harder”. Instead, we need more churches preaching the gospel. It’s all about the work of Christ. When the Law becomes the primary message of the church, it robs us of grace and power of the gospel. The Law is necessary, but it is not primary. God acts “while we were still” sinners, powerless, a hot mess. The solution to powerlessness is not gaining power ourselves, but instead finding the ONE who has the power.  R.J. Grunewald
We rest in His forgiveness. We rest in His righteousness. We rest in His resurrection. We rest in faith in the crucified and risen Christ. Everything is already done.  Believe and be comforted.  Live out of that.  Elyse Fitzpatrick
Our crisis today is not that we are losing religion but we are more religious than ever. religion is the justifying story of your life. religion is your preferred guilt management system. religion is about “enoughness” Fresh targets have become our focus of enoughness (food, exercise, work, parenting, politics, romance) Seculosity is religiosity that is directed horizontally rather than vertically. David Zahl
Our Life As The Church That We Need To Give Up: Numbers, American Optimism and Sexy.  Chad Bird
We often think of church as being busy and working hard rather than sitting at the feet of Jesus. Jesus spoke Law to the Rich Young Ruler so he would see it was not about him but about Jesus. God is in the Public Domain.  Jeff Mallinson
I love those three words “It Is Finished” Tetelestai is good news. These words stand in opposition to every other solution the world offers. Jesus says no striving allowed and no doing, but remember “it is finished” Every time I hear these words I am transported from the battlefield to the dance floor. When I hear these words (it is finished), life ceases to be about my striving and doing and instead on celebrating what has been DONE in Jesus Christ.  Matt Popovits


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