Names of God: Bread of Life

We often forget.  We see throughout history the Israelites and the church forgetting. We need to be reminded often of who God is in Scripture, church history and in our lives and churches.

The names of God are important because these names are not just what God does, it is who He is.  I hope this will encourage you as you are reminded of how good, great, and awesome our God is.

Bread of Life

35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. (John 6:35)

What it reminds me?  Bread was nourishment for the people.  Jesus is the nourishment we need in life.  Jesus not only meets physical needs but other needs as well.  He wants us to have abundant life not just in heaven but now as well.  We find that life in Him. Bread is also used in communion to remind us of Jesus' body given for us.  He is our substitute and the once and for all sacrifice.


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