Phoenix, here I come again!

I'm excited to be headed back to Phoenix on Saturday, January 12th.  It will be a great time away with Bethany for a few days.  The purpose of the trip will be to visit my friends at Axiom Church in Peoria, AZ.  My church led a family mission trip during Spring Break a few years ago to Axiom and I'm looking forward to seeing them again and worshipping together.  I will also lead a workshop at Axiom called "Pass It On: Discipling Children" in the evening on Sunday.

In addition to my time at Axiom, we will also be attending the USMB The Bible and Women in Ministry Study Conference January 14-16.  Check back here for quotes from speakers and thoughts from attendees.  If you want to stay connected to what is going on at the study conference, use the hashtag #usmbstudyconf


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