Leaving a D6 Legacy

In a few weeks, I am going to be preaching on Deuteronomy 6:1-9. I chose this passage because of almost every book I have read in the last few months have referenced or made this passage central to their topic. As I have begun reflecting on the passage, I am thankful for Moses charge to the Israelites. Here is my paraphrase of what he says, "don't forget what you have been taught and don't just listen to it-but live by it too."

What does it mean to leave a D6 legacy? I look forward to attending the D6 Conference in Dallas in September which will be addressing this topic. But here is what I am learning as I study. Leaving a D6 legacy means that I do everything I can to teach my children who God is and how to live for Him. This is not just verbal instruction but must be backed up by my actions. If I say Jesus matters to me and dramatically impacts my life and my kids don't hear me talk or live for Jesus between church on Sundays then I am not leaving the legacy I should be.

Leaving a D6 legacy also means that I love God with all my heart, soul, and strength. This is not just words. God must be the priority in my life not just a compartmentalized part of it. It is a singular pursuit in my life not just another thing on my to do list. Everything I do should be impacted by my love for God and people. This love affects my whole self. It is not just head knowledge but includes my heart too. This love makes me want to follow His Word. This love is so important that I need to share it with others too.

I look forward to meditating on this passage in the next two weeks as I prepare my message. I hope my message will challenge dads to leave a D6 legacy as well as the church to see its importance in everything we do. How I raise my children does not stop with them, but will impact future generations. Will it be a legacy that will be God honoring?


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