May All Who Come Behind Us

As I have been working on my message for this Sunday, I keep singing the popular Steve Green song, Find Us Faithful. If you are not familiar, the chorus says, "May all who come behind us find us faithful. Let the fire of our devotion light their way. May the footprints that we leave, lead them to believe and the lives we live inspire them to obey. "

As I reflect on those words and Deuteronomy 6:1-9, I am challenged to teach my children well. My conviction over the last few months has not been what I am doing to be a good dad, but instead what am I not doing. I wonder if we as dads sometime assume that as long as we are somewhat present in our kids' lives and support them financially then we are doing enough. However, as I read God's Word and read different author's perspectives, I am discovering that what I don't do sends a message too. Here is an example: I come home tired from work and want to relax by reading the paper or watching tv. One of the kids comes in and wants to play. I say, "Not now, daddy is too tired." That response too often can teach my children that tv or the news are more important than them. Another example is our hobbies. Do my kids think that golf or basketball or football or fill in the blank are more important than their lives and activities? Our children deserve our best not our leftovers.

So, my questions to all of us dads are the following: Will those that come behind us find us faithful? What does our money, time, energy, activities, priorities say about what our legacy is? Are we leaving a legacy of materialism, athletics, intelligence, volunteering, work, or Deuteronomy 6 of loving God which leads to loving others?

Let me repeat something I have said often on this blog. I am not a perfect husband or dad. I do not have all of this figured out. However, it is my goal to be intentional as I parent and to be the best dad I can be with God's help. Remember, if you have messed up in the past, you can change and make a difference with the rest of the time you are given. Let's make a difference as dads and change the world beginning with our own children.


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