Huddle Up Family Night
I asked my kids what their favorite part of the evening was and they all responded the skit. It was really funny! Thank you Tahlia, Simon, Joanna, Rick & Hank for being such good sports!
I thought all of the pieces of the curriculum work really well together. From the activity to the skit to the discussions about the Bible passage, it all works together seamlessly. Way to go, Standard on this resource! But I still have to say that my favorite part of each and every Family Night is looking out and seeing families eating together, laughing together, reading the Bible together, and talking together. I am exhausted at the end of Family Night, but the image of families talking about Jesus together fires me up for the next time.
Thank you to Rachel Burkholder & Richelle Arrasmith for all their work in cooking the food and for the kitchen crew who brought food, cooked, served, and cleaned up. Your work behind the scenes is appreciated.
I look forward to our next Family Night on November 16th when we gather again as families and this time will focus on filling Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.
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