Reading at the Perk

I have missed my days reading at the Perk. Today, I am back at it and enjoying several books this morning. Several of the quotes are from 52 Creative Family Time Experiences by Timothy Smith. Check back on Friday for a review of that book. Here are a few quotes:

"Take time to talk about HIS story. God's story is epic!"

"Gen iY is more likely to respond to talking story and having a conversation than a lecture-- especially preteens and teens."

"When it comes to kid's faith, parents get what they are."

"What would happen in our families if we had peanut butter faith--tasty, nutritious, simple and sticky?"

"Emphasize the character and attributes of God more than the hero in the story."

"A government can pass good laws, but no law can change a human heart. Only God can do that."

(Quote in chapter on politics) "We are setting ourselves up for disappointment if our hope is built on anything less than Jesus."

"But more often, I suspect, we throw that line (your will be done) into our prayers to let God off the hook if he doesn't seem to answer us."

"As Bill Gothard puts it, "The need to cry out is a humbling reminder of our total inability to accomplish anything significant for God. And the result of crying out is a wonderful demonstration of God's supernatural power to achieve all that is needed."

"God loves doing God things. Things that nobody else can do. God loves being the Go-to Guy who, alone, can get the job done."


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