What's Playing on the Radio?

Today's song is by Chris Tomlin and is called "Greater". I heard it once and immediately loved the words.  Be reminded that "greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world."

From him, through him, and to him are all things
To God be the glory
His word endures from beginning to end
To God be the glory
To God be the glory

Greater is the one who lives in me
Greater is the love of Jesus
Greater than my sin
Greater than the grave
Above all other thrones
Above all other names
Greater, You are greater

He was, and is, and forever will be
To God be the glory
His power in us,
He is strength for the weak
To God be the glory
To God be the glory

Greater is the one who lives in me
Greater is the love of Jesus
Greater than my sin
Greater than the grave
Above all other thrones
Above all other names
Greater, You are greater

Jesus, You reign forever
Jesus, You reign forever
There’s no one like you
Jesus, You reign

Jesus, You reign forever
Jesus, You reign forever
There’s none beside You
Jesus, You reign
Jesus, You reign

Greater is the one who lives in me
Greater is the love of Jesus
Greater than my sin
Greater than the grave
Above all other thrones
Above all other names

Greater is the one who lives in me
Greater is the love of Jesus
Greater than my sin
Greater than the grave
Above all other thrones
Above all other names
Greater, You are greater


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