Onie's Service

Today, I was blessed by attending Bethany's Great Aunt Onie's memorial service. It was a great day. The music was great and the message was encouraging and challenging. The lunch after the service was chicken and in my book you can't beat that. But the best part of the day was listening to the impact that Onie had on others' lives. There were about 5 people who shared and each one was a blessing to me. They told of how Onie had shared the gospel with them, taught them how to teach others, helped them better understand the Bible, could tell a wonderful and compelling story in VBS, how much she loved and had compassion for them, encouraged them, and the list could go on and on. I hope the service was taped because I would love to hear it again.

I wonder what kind of impact my life is having on others. Am I sharing my faith as faithfully as Onie? Am I teaching effectively the next generation? Am I showing love and care to others? Am I willing to sacrifice "stuff" so I can do what matters most? Am I equipping the next generation to pass on their faith and teach others? All of these questions are swirling in my mind as I heard the testimony of many today. Onie was a wonderful woman and lived completely, wholeheartedly, and passionately for her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I had the privilege to share at Onie's graveside today. I thought I would just share briefly what I said this afternoon in Moundridge. The Scripture that Bethany found that I read was 2 Timothy 4:6-8. It was a great Scripture to share at Onie's burial. Two things I highlighted: Onie fought the good fight and was poured out for others. Onie fought the good fight throughout her life. She battled a learning disability to finish a Bible course. She battled illness to do what mattered most. At the end of her life, in the middle of fighting for her life, she spent her time praying for others. At a time, when she could easily have focused prayers on self, she continued praying for those on her list and on her mind. Onie was always a servant and was poured out by giving of herself. She lived a meager life so she could do what God had called her to do. She was a true servant for others. It was not about her, but instead what she could do for Jesus and advancing His kingdom. After sharing these two points, we sang Amazing Grace together and I closed in prayer.

I am thankful to have known Onie and know she is enjoying being with Jesus and has heard those words, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"


  1. Amen! The day was wonderful. Planning her service was a joy. She made it very easy.


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