Two Offers

Well, we have had quite the journey in relation to selling our house in Iola. We have been trying to sell the home since September 2008. God has provided through renters over the last 20 months. He has also provided through unusual gifts of cash, meat, and opportunities for fun. God was faithful in getting us to Hesston and worked everything out so wonderfully including finding a great home, easy transition for kids to school, smooth move, and a great church family and community to live in. The one thing left: selling the house.

We feel confident that is about to occur. Another thing I should mention is that we have not had a realtor over this entire time. Would that have made the sale happen quicker? Maybe. But we did not feel after much prayer, that was the direction we were to go. A few months ago when our last renter had informed their plans of moving out, I considered getting a realtor again. But before doing it, Bethany and I prayed. We prayed that if were to not hire a realtor that God would make it clear. We had several calls about the house over the next few days. I understood this to mean to not employ a realtor.

So, our renter moved out and time came for a mortgage payment to be made. I prayed and went ahead with our payments. Then we received three calls over about a week's time. Each expressing interest in the home and each picking up the key to look at the house. All three loved the house. Each had specific situations that needed to be worked out. They told us they would call us back. We had heard this many times over the last 20 months. However, on Saturday, Bethany had a message that one was interested in the house. They made a verbal offer. On Sunday, J.L. received a call from a second person who also made a verbal offer. So, after 20 months of no serious offers, we now have two offers within 24 hours. Praise God!

I don't know why it has taken so long to sell the house. I don't understand why after pleading with God for many months why He did not sell it in "our timing". I don't know why at times both Bethany and I had serious doubts about how to make payments and what we were going to do. But, I know God knows best. He never left us. He provided the whole time even if not the way we hoped. Now, He is showing us that despite our efforts, He is taking care of us and is going to carry this on to completion.

Please continue to pray for the situation to be worked out in the family. I am thankful and looking forward to closing this chapter. On a side note, our house payment is due on the 19th of this month. I was starting to wonder what we were going to do about it. But I felt a peace from God that this was the month that things were going to change. No explanation why or how, but that something was different. Maybe it was that we had reached the end of our efforts or "rope" and God had to show up and we just needed to trust him. So, it looks like by the middle of this week, we will have our potential buyer in the home paying rent until the details can be worked out.

In closing, I am reminded of words to a song we sang recently in church:

"True are your promises, True are you promises,
You never change, you never fail O God
So, we raise up holy hands to praise the Holy One who was and is and is to come."
We serve an awesome God who loves us and cares for us and always keeps His promises.


  1. J.L. I completely understand where you are at right now. Although our house was on the market for only 6 months, God provided us a rent free house for 5 of those months! We serve an awesome God who will provided for us in His timing; which is perfect! Keep up the Faith! I will keep you in my prayers!
    In His Grip!


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