Reflections on Sunday Sermon

Today, our pastor preached on James 2:1-13. In his message, he addressed the fact that partiality is expressed by Christians. He asked this question: Why is partiality sin? The answer: because it is inconsistent with who God is. Then the follow-up question was: Then why is this happening? The answer is because people do not understand God's mercy toward them. If we truly understand God's mercy, then we realize that we are undeserving of His mercy and not in any place to show partiality to others. I am a sinner saved by grace and cannot therefore make a distinction because of externals, but should see people as Christ sees them. He then pointed to Acts 10 and Matthew 9:11-14.

He ended with the following question for application:

How will God's mercy impact the way you . . .
  • think about people
  • welcome people
  • interact with people
  • include people
  • pursue people

I ask for forgiveness when I am judgmental and show partiality. I hope that I can begin to do this in a more God honoring way from this point forward.


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