Timothy Paul Jones pre-con lab at D6 Conference
Timothy Paul Jones is professor of family ministry at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Starts by sharing a survey that can be used in churches to evaluate.
His packet for the pre-con lab is thick. Thanks for the great resources!
Three Tools Every Family Needs is the title for his pre-con lab.
Our most important ministry is to our wife & children. What we do in the home is who we are. It does not start at church or work, but instead in our own homes.
Check out "Family Ministry Field Guide: How Your Church Can Equip Parents to Raise Disciples" by Timothy Paul Jones.
90% of parents say I know I am responsible for discipling my kids.
40% of parents were doing something consistent in discipleship with their kids.
Why aren't parents discipling their children?
"Long Story Short" by Marty Machowski is a great resource for families.
Starts by sharing a survey that can be used in churches to evaluate.
His packet for the pre-con lab is thick. Thanks for the great resources!
Three Tools Every Family Needs is the title for his pre-con lab.
Our most important ministry is to our wife & children. What we do in the home is who we are. It does not start at church or work, but instead in our own homes.
Check out "Family Ministry Field Guide: How Your Church Can Equip Parents to Raise Disciples" by Timothy Paul Jones.
90% of parents say I know I am responsible for discipling my kids.
40% of parents were doing something consistent in discipleship with their kids.
Why aren't parents discipling their children?
- 28%=lack of training
- 10%=lack of time
- 52%=lack of training & time
- 10%=other factors
- How long does it take for someone involved in your ministry to know they are to disciple their own children?
- We must communicate consistently and clearly that parents are to be discipling their children.
- Take an honest look at your church calendar. Are we making people too busy to disciple their own kids?
- Make sure people understand what we are expecting. Communicate clearly & explain: "once a week to have a Faith Talk", "once a day to have a Faith Walk with your children", & "Faith Process-where are your children spiritually? How are they growing spiritually?" Not about doing it perfectly, but being intentional & persistent.
- Parents want to do it, but they just don't know how. This should be encouraging to us as church leaders.
- How do we do it? Jones calls this the T.I.E. principle. Train, Involve, Equip. Do not start anything new! Take what you have and change it.
- Train-Things that happen once a year. For example, a youth retreat. Before going on retreat, give parents some questions to discuss with their child. Another example: summer camp-family devotions built on themes from summer camp. For next 5 weeks, families could reinforce what was discussed during the week of camp.
- Involve-Example: mission trip. Encouraged fathers to attend. If child does not have a father present or a believing father, another male figure becomes for them their "family in faith". Fathers then led their family during the evening after working during the day. Give dads an easy win.
- Equip-Get a resource into their parents hands. Make it something they can take what you have done and reinforce it at home.
"Long Story Short" by Marty Machowski is a great resource for families.
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