Todd Wagner at #d62013

Impression without expression leads to depression.
When God's people show up, there should be an impression.

How can we leave a lasting impression?

3 Institutions ordained by God: Family, Church, Government

Purpose of government-to prosecute evil and protect innoncence.

Purpose of marriage-covenantal love. The church has a love view of marriage.

Marriage is a big deal because it forms a family. Marriage is a big deal because He loves us.

Marriage is a picture of God on earth. The best picture of Trinity is marriage. 
To best explain Trinity, you must have Equality, Unity, Diversity

Headship is your role not your rank.

God restores all things. 

Marriage is where we model God's love for a fallen world.

Church attenders don't change a thing. Disciples do.
Pastors: Your job is not to get them to come to you, but instead to come to Jesus.
Love is not an adjective about how you feel. Love is a verb.

4 Things You Can Do To Have A High View of Marriage

  • You have to be authentic. Practice what we preach in our own marriages. To decide what to focus my time on, I ask myself, "What are the things that only I can do?" 
  • We must be committed. God's purpose in marriage is oneness, not un-divorce.
  • You have to be connected. We cannot be isolated from others.
  • Be aware of your enemy. Your marriage takes place on a battlefield not a romantic balcony. The Enemy hates marriage.


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