Heart change vs. behavior change

So often as parents and/or teachers, we want kids in our homes or classes to be good and behave.  We know this is selfish in many ways, but we still do it. I do it.  I started a new book a few weeks ago called Show Them Jesus by Jack Klumpenhower.  This book might change the way I parent and train and equip teachers in children's ministry.  Here is a quote from Chapter 1:
The message of Jesus' death and resurrection is a tool of the Spirit to change hearts. Nagging is not. Rather than coax kids into temporarily acting better, Joe told about Jesus and trusted God to use that message to make the kids become better.
What is your motivation in your home? Your church? Can it really be as simple as preaching and teaching Jesus?  Check back for more quotes from this great book.


  1. Thanks, J.L. I'm so glad you're finding the book helpful. This is a great-looking site you have! Good thoughts here.

    Is it as simple as just teaching Jesus? Well, yes, of course. But also no, because we remain troubled by sin and the Holy Spirit seldom produces growth that's as quick and painless as we would like it to be. Moralistic teaching actually might create more reliable short-term appearances. But gospel teaching and prayer look to the Holy Spirit for lasting, heart-level change that takes place in God's good timing.


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