
Mondays are my days off and I always enjoy them. It's not that I don't love ministry-I just enjoy being with the family. Today, Bethany had to run to Newton to drop off some things at the Salvation Army so I took the 4 kids to the Arboretum. The oldest three rode their bikes and I pushed Molly in the stroller. It is so funny because as we walk Molly sings songs. I occasionally will catch a word, but it is so fun to listen to her. Mitchell can be a good big brother and he gets his sisters to stop at streets and lets them know when it is safe to cross. He also will yell if they get to close to the street when a car is coming.

Today, we took some old bagels to feed the turtles at the Arboretum. We walk (or ride) around the Arboretum. Molly and I usually smell the flowers. I love watching the flowers and plants change from week to week. After making the circle walk, we go and feed the animals. The first time we went it was ducks. The next time it was fish. Lately, it has been turtles. There is one turtle that is huge. All of the kids love watching the fish and turtles come and eat. Molly even says, tuttle when they come up to the surface. Today, Molly saw our neighbor and his grandma while we were still across the lake from them. She yelled "Jacob & Rosey" (I think that is what she is saying) and was so excited that they were there too.

I spent some time lifting weights and playing basketball at noon. My normal workout on Mondays and Wednesdays. The girls had tumbling today and Mitchell had basketball camp. Then Bethany made a great supper and we ate on our patio. Then it was flying a kite and Mitchell's baseball game. While at the game, Molly fell in a big mud puddle and was a mess. She kept saying "mess". Mitchell's team won again and we are now winding down for the evening.

Tomorrow is a big day because it is Megan's 6th birthday! More about my redhead tomorrow.


  1. You may find it interesting that the biggest turtle has a name and that name changes on whom you ask. For instance, our family calls it the pond bottom beast. I've heard Fred as a name and so on. It is fun to see what others call that giant turtle.


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