Reading at Lincoln Perk

This afternoon, I spent a couple of hours reading at Lincoln Perk. For those of you not from Hesston, it is a great coffee place with great atmosphere. I will often see at least one person I know when I am there. I have learned this wonderful practice from my fellow pastors. Thanks Brad and Steve!

I was amazed at how much I learned today. As I mentioned before, I am reading two books on parenting right now. Both have given me a lot to think about and put into practice. I will finish both of them within the week or so. The first is Parenting is Heart Work by Turansky and Miller. The second is Family Driven Faith by Voddie Baucham. I wanted to share some great quotes and ideas with all of you today.

Parenting is Heart Work

This chapter focused on helps in correcting or disciplining your child.

"Repentance requires the following six steps: 1-Settle Down and Stop Fighting, 2-Be Willing To Admit You've Done Something Wrong, 3-Realize There's Something Different You Could Have Done, 4-Commit to Doing the Right Thing, 5-Feel Sorrow for Doing the Wrong Thing, 6-Desire to Do the Right Thing"

"early intervention is more successful at bringing about heart change."

"Remember that angry children don't like to be angry alone."

Family Driven Faith

I blogged about family worship yesterday. Here is Baucham's response to where to begin.

"1-Family Worship Must Be Born of Conviction. 2-Family Worship Begins With the Head of the Household. 3-Family Worship Must Be Scheduled. 4-Family Worship Must Be Simple. 5-Family Worship Must Be Natural. 6-Family Worship Must Be Mandatory. 7-Family Worship Must Be Participatory."

Seven Blessings of Family Worship:

"1-Family Worship Honors God. 2-Family Worship will Draw Your Family Closer to God. 3- Family Worship Will Draw Your Family Closer to One Another. 4-Family Worship Will Lay a Foundation for Multigenerational Faithfulness. 5-Family Worship Will Expose Spiritual Weaknesses in Your Home. 6- Family Worship Will Serve as a Training Ground for Smaller Children. 7-Family Worship Will Make Corporate Worship More Meaningful."

I hope these quotes give us all something to think about in regards to child correction and the importance of family worship. I will repeat what I have said before. I am still learning how to discipline my children effectively. I still make mistakes and get drawn into the verbal argument, especially with my son. Similarly, I have not done the best in leading the family in family worship. It is sporadic and sometimes chaotic, but I am trying to make it worthwhile for the entire family. We are learning what works and doesn't work for our family. Don't give up-keep trying in both of these important areas of parenting.


  1. I'm excited for your family as you strive to implement the concepts that you've learned. It's hard to be consistent. We certainly tripped up in the area of family worship. Never, never give up. The seeds planted now will reap blessed results.


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