Ball Games

Last night, we had our first ball games. Megan played her first ever t-ball game. She had a great time. She had three good hits. I had to laugh every time she went into the field as she always forgot her glove. I had to remind her which hand the glove went on the first time she went out in the field.

Molly was a great cheerleader. She yelled, "Go Megan". She sat on my lap for the whole first inning and then spent the rest of the time eating crackers or playing in the dirt. Mackenzie was busy playing with a friend to pay much attention. She was happy when she was able to help by passing out snacks after the game.

Bethany and Mitchell were in Goessel at a ball game at the same time. Mitchell had two hits and his team won. He is playing pitching machine this year. I think he is enjoying the game.

We all ended our night by stopping at Sonic for free root beer floats. It was packed and we arrived exactly at 8 p.m.! I was able to end the night with the kids' new favorite bed time ritual-daddy throw. After singing and prayer, I go and pick up the three older kids (one at a time) and throw them back onto the couch (several times each week, they all sleep downstairs in family room in basement). I try to come up with a different throw for each kid. The kids love it, but I have come to enjoy it too.

I am excited because tomorrow is our church family trip to McPherson Water Park. I look forward to some fun in the water and I am hoping it does not rain. This weekend, Bethany is having a garage sale at our house so if you are looking for some toys or other "goodies" stop by our house on Saturday morning.

Have a great weekend!


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