Summer is here!

Well, last week was the kids' first week out of school. It included ball practices and trips to the pool and lots of outside time. As I think about summer, I usually associate it with more time. The kids are home more often during the day. However, this summer I am realizing that activities can quickly fill our schedules. Our evenings are packed-between now and July 9th, we have 3 open evenings. This is not me complaining; it's just the facts.

It reminds me of the importance of balance. Even though we are so busy, it does not mean that I should spend less time with the kids. I just have to become more creative. As a dad, I need to remember the following important times:
  • meal times (include more than eating such as "highs of the day", prayer, worship, Scripture memory)
  • bed times (pray for your kids, read Bible stories together, sing together)
  • driving (talk about the day, ask questions as you drive)
  • church (activities should not replace Sunday worship-not legalism here, but worship should be a priority not optional)
  • fun (walks, the pool, bike rides, the Arboretum, parks, etc.-since evenings are busy-I need to get home to do things with the kids at other times)
  • vacation (one of my fondest memories as a child was family vacations-it was the time when our family had great times together and were not busy with life. I look forward to our vacation this summer.)
I hope these give you some ideas how to use your time this summer with your family. Remember, the quote from a previous post, "Time is precious, and you only get one chance to raise your children" (Baucham 39). Let's not let busyness interfere with our family times this summer!


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