Paul and the Underground Church

Right now, I am taking a break from my church's VBS. Our theme is "Paul and the Underground Church." Our church as been transformed into Rome with a marketplace, Paul under house arrest, and an underground church. I have the privilege of being Paul and I am chained to Brutus, my guard. I am sharing stories about what it is like to be a Jesus follower in Rome. I have explained that I am under house arrest because of telling others about Jesus. I have also shared with the children that believers can be physically hurt or put in prison because of their faith in Jesus.

This VBS, reminds me of all of our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world that live like this every day. We take our faith for granted in so many ways. We are fortunate that we can pray, read the Bible and worship without fear or persecution. It reminds me to pray for missionaries throughout the world sharing God's love and His Word with others with the real possibility of being beaten or imprisoned. Thank you to all of you missionaries serving in countries where you face persecution on a regular basis!

In closing, let me share with you the points that I am reminding others about during VBS:
  • God's Love is a gift
  • God's Love changes us
  • God's Love is always with us
  • God's Love saves us
  • God's love is worth sharing


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