
Our pastoral staff meets every Wednesday morning to pray together and discuss church matters. We also have been reading a book and then discussing it together. We just finished 15 Characteristics of Effective Pastors. Our new book chosen by Brad was Uncommon by Tony Dungy. I read Chapter 1 today and believe it is going to be a good book.

Here a few quotes that I highlighted:

"The kind of ideas that our young people are buying into and the pressure to conform are causing teenagers to follow that path of least resistance."

"We live in a world in which things are accepted as normal without any thought as to whether they should be or whether there might be a better way. Too often we resign ourselves to accepting that things are just the way they are."

"Right now, our society also needs to get back to the fundamentals, those basic principles that will allow us to succeed as men."

"I won't apologize for or shy away from that, because that's the way I was raised, and God's Word has always been the best source of advice for me."

"In the draft, there are only a few things that will knock a player out of consideration for our team, and this issue of character is one of them."

"What you do is not as important as how you do it."

"I must show that I can be trusted with each and every thing, no matter how trivial it may seem."

Phillips Brooks (American clergyman in 1800's) wrote, "Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones."

"In the end, character is a blend of inner courage, wisdom, and a sense of duty to yourself, to others, and to something greater than you."

I look forward to reading Dungy's game plan for being an uncommon man.



    v Be a pro.
    v Act like a chamption.
    v Respond to adversity, don't react.
    v Be on time.
    Being late means either it's not
    important to you or you can't be relied upon.
    v Execute. Do what you're supposed to do
    when you're supposed to do it. Not almost. All the way.
    Not most of the time. All of the time.
    v Take ownership.


    (from Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy, p. 116)

    my favorite quote from his first book which I really liked. hoping to read this one, too


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