Happy Birthday Megan!

Today is Megan's 6th birthday! I cannot believe that my little redhead is six years old. She has the whole day planned. Breakfast at McDonald's, treats for park day, lunch with Dad, opening presents, and her Grammie making her a cake. She is so excited!

I cannot believe that six years ago today, I was at Colorado Christian University at M-Fuge with the youth group for camp. I remember getting a phone call about 6 in the morning from Bethany saying that she didn't sleep well and was in labor. She drove the car to CCU and picked me up and I drove her the rest of the way to the hospital. What an amazing woman! I was so blessed to have great adults who stepped in at the camp for me so I could be with my wife and new baby. Thanks Ben Borger!

We arrived at the hospital around 7 a.m. and Megan came into the world at 1:10 p.m. She was truly an answer to prayer as you know from Bethany's previous pregnancy with Mackenzie. She was supposed to be early, but thanks to prayers this was Bethany's longest pregnancy. She was supposed to be small, but was our biggest baby up to that point. Molly wins that award now though. I just remember seeing her and her red hair and thanking God for his faithfulness through the pregnancy and through the delivery.

She is such a joy! Her red hair has contributed to her spunkiness. I remember the first nine months where she was opinionated about who could hold her and that was only her mom. After nine months, she warmed up to her dad. She has always had a beautiful smile and done things her way. I love watching her talk to herself and listen to her sing wholeheartedly. I remember the day she told me she had 110 invisible friends. I know as a baby and toddler she talked to angels as she would look up at nothing and just smile and coo and babble. I enjoy watching her ride her bike as she again gives it her all. She rides it as fast as she possibly can.

So-Happy Birthday, my beautiful Megan! I look forward to lunch with you today.


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