Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there! What a great day to celebrate the men in your life who have shaped who you are and influenced your life especially your father. The man who has provided for you and taught you and cared for you.

As I reflect on my role as a dad, I am challenged by God's Word about who I am to be. It is not enough that I provide financially for my family-I must also be involved in their lives. It is not sufficient that I teach them a few good "sayings"-I need to help them understand who God is and how His Word affects how we live. It is not OK if I am just a good guy and live alongside my wife-I need to love her unconditionally, serve her, set an example of how a husband treats a wife, show my daughters what a godly man will look like.

Fathers are so influential in the lives of their kids. Statistics support the importance of an engaged and loving dad in the lives of both boys and girls. No, I am not saying we are more important that mothers, but we do have a essential and crucial role in raising our children. It is not enough to come home from work and read the paper and not be involved in what our kids are doing. Physically present dads who are not emotionally engaged do almost as much damage as absent dads.

Here are a few challenges to the dads out there from our all knowing God about what it takes to be a good father:
  • Deuteronomy 6:4-9-We must "impress them on your children." We are responsible for teaching our children what God's Word says. We do it in formal ways through family devotions as well as through informal ways such as meal times, bed times, car rides, etc. talking about God and how we have seen Him throughout the day (when we sit, when we rise). Our goal in parenting should be that we raise children who love God and love others.
  • Ephesians 6:4-Dads, we are to bring our children up in the "training and instruction of the Lord." It is not solely the church's responsibility, but ours as parents. We should be the main source of Biblical truth. Think about it: they are receiving church teaching about 3 hours per week. Would we be content with three hours from our schools in teaching their minds? Would be happy with three hours total in athletics? Would we see much improvement in music with just three hours of practice and lessons? We are with our children more often than they are at church and therefore we need to be teaching them spiritual things at home in addition to what they receive at church. Dads need to take the lead in this area.
  • Ephesians 5:25-33-Husbands, we are to "love our wives with the same love Christ showed the church." Our marriage is compared to a "great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one." The way we love our wives is a picture of Christ's love for the church. What are our children learning from our example? We need to love our wives unconditionally so our sons and daughters see what a Christian marriage should look like.

I have been reflecting on these verses a lot lately. I have seen them referenced often over the last month as I read more books on parenting and being a godly dad. I will be sharing some of these verses in the parent/child dedication tomorrow. And the answer is "no, I am not and have not obeyed and lived up to these verses as faithfully as I should." But with God's help and the encouragement of others, I hope to be able to say on Father's Day 2010 that these verses are more evident on a regular basis in my life. I hope other dads will join me in this venture to be the dads that God has called us to be. Be on the lookout for a new dad's group starting the Fall at Hesston MB to help us learn what God's word says about fatherhood as well as to encourage and pray for one another in areas where we struggle.

Happy Father's Day to my dad, Bethany's Dad and our grandfathers!


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