Richard Ross at #d62012

Richard Ross is speaking now at D6 Conference.  Speaking with shirt untucked and said if invited back next year, he will wear skinny jeans. Richard Ross is professor to the next generation of youth ministers at Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth.

Concentric Circles of the D6 Movement
  • Me
    • D6 begins with a believer standing alone in the middle circle. John 15: 1,4
    • Most Scripture focuses on "us in Him."
    • Follow Me (focus at beginning of Jesus' ministry) changes to Abide In Me.
    • We need to be in awe of His Majesty & also realize our intimacy with Him.
        "Just wait until you get to abide with me all the time."

       Your running around busy for Him is not as important as your relationship to Him.
       Gratitude for the Gospel, Gratitude for the complete work of grace in my life

       "Faith at home practices led by spiritually lethargic parents lead to spiritually lethargic children."
  •  My Spouse
    • Closest intertwining of branches is with my spouse. We need to be sharing our intimacy with Christ together.
    • We need to tell the King he is wonderful together in prayer.
  • My Children
    • The heart in primary not their behavior. What they are acted out is what they believe in their hearts. 
    • "Honor Your Father and Mother" is a heart issue.  It will lead to obedience.
    • Instead of  focusing on behavior (don't get drunk, don't sleep around) with our kids, what if we asked "Can I reveal to you how I am beginning to see Jesus?"
  • My Family and the Kingdom
    • Family goes where Christ already is--locally and globally.
    • The family does what He is doing.
    • Family counts all as if loss for His surpassing greatness
"Three words to think about as start your day-- Awake, Adore, Abide"

"Could you be an expert at God's service and a novice at being God's friend?"

Why does He promise more fruit?
  • God rewards you supernaturally
  • You tap into more of God's passions


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