Favorite Quotes from Day 2 at #liberate2015

Here are my favorite quotes from speakers from Day 2 of Liberate 2015:

God's Will is not lost. Question is not what but where & how. (J.D. Greear)

When Satan accuses you, look up! We conquer him by the blood of Lamb & word of testimony (not ours, but His) (Elyse Fitzpatrick)

The entire life, death, resurrection, ascension, and coming again of Christ is relevant to grace. (Justin Holcomb)

If the Lord picked you to do something, there is no pressure because He will speak through you. (Eric Metaxas)

Rest in God's commitment to bring to completion what He began. (Scotty Smith)

Every morning wake up & believe God is pleased with you because of what Jesus has done. (Ray Cortese)

Your assurance of salvation never comes from looking in, but instead from looking up and out. (Tullian Tchividjian)


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